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Attention Pop Culture Fanatics: Prepare Yourself for an Exciting Experience This Weekend

Image for Attention Pop Culture Fanatics: Prepare Yourself for an Exciting Experience This Weekend

Tulsa Pop Culture Expo is a melding of three local pop culture organizations: Tulsa Pop Kids, XPO Game Festival, and OKPOP Museum. It will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in South Tulsa.

Tulsa Pop Kids will bring a comic con atmosphere with exciting guest appearances, great vendors, and a fun Kid Zone.

XPO Game Festival will be on site with upcoming games, indie game competitions, cash tournaments, and retro games. OKPOP museum will be there to provide an historical perspective on how our neck of the woods became so pivotal in what pop culture looks like around the globe.

It will be an exciting and fun experience that you will not want to miss!

At Brittany Square Apartments in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we pride ourselves on informing our residents about all the upcoming events our beautiful community has to offer. Don’t hesitate to join this event on Friday!

Event Time/Date:
Friday, November 2, 2018–4:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Tulsa Renaissance Hotel
6808 South 107th East Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133

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