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Holiday Happiness Is in Full Swing During the Tulsa Festival Ringers Performance

Image for Holiday Happiness Is in Full Swing During the Tulsa Festival Ringers Performance

One of Tulsa’s premier cultural and entertainment venues, the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, is treating you to wonderful night of performances by the Tulsa Festival Ringers.

Formed in the spring of 1991 to attend a handbell festival in San Antonio, Texas, Tulsa Festival Ringers have been ringing for audiences everywhere from their concerts in Tulsa to handbell festivals in Texas and Arizona.

Tulsa Festival Ringers, Inc., Tulsa's only auditioned community handbell ensemble, is more than a musical novelty; it is an ensemble of musicians who specialize in handbell ringing. The members are handbell directors and ringers from various churches throughout Eastern Oklahoma who want to share their love of music and handbells.

This concert will be presented twice: once at 11:30 a.m. and again at 12:45 p.m. The Brown Bag It Series is a free concert series offered the first Wednesday of each month. Bring your lunch and enjoy the best regional talent Tulsa has to offer!

At Brittany Square Apartments in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we believe it’s important to integrate yourself into the community, which is why we suggest attending this event. Meeting new people, having unfamiliar experiences, and joining neighborhood activities is the key to an exceptional lifestyle.

Event Time/Date:
Wednesday, December 5, 2018—11:30 AM

Event Venue Location:
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
110 East 2nd Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103

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